More envelopes

Some more envelopes for #100daysofenvelopes #100dayproject2024 #100dayproject I missed a few days this week, but I don’t feel guilty. I also missed a few days of learning Russian on Duolingo and broke my streak.

что думает моя лошадь?

I guess we’ll never know?

100 Days of Envelopes

I have been taking part in the 100 Day Project on Instagram #100dayproject. Sometimes I just need an impetus to create and I find that doing something every day is really good for me. Apart from, say, eating crisps every day. These envelopes will eventually make their way around the world, containing mail art for my colleagues on IUOMA. If you’re interested in sending or receiving art through the mail, check out IUOMA

Gelliplate printing

In an ideal world, I would have access to a printmaking studio, with all the wonderful equipment I need (an etching press being top of my list).

As it is, I just have my kitchen table and a gelliplate. But what fun there is to be had with this little square of jelly. If I get stuck for ideas, a session of gelliplate printing really frees me up.

I’m sure there are lots of techniques I haven’t yet explored. This set was inspired by Vorticism, London, The Last of Us and airborne toxic events.